
迈克尔·J. Pendell


迈克尔 Pendell is a trial lawyer who represents people affected by corporate wrongdoing, 包括告密者, 受烟草危害的人, 处方药, 危险医疗设备, 也是国际恐怖主义的受害者. He also represents 养老金 fund trustees and other institutional investors in securities, 消费者欺诈, 以及其他复杂的集体诉讼.

迈克尔 served as trial counsel in a number of prescription opioid lawsuits representing dozens of governmental entities, 包括国家, 城市, and counties in litigation against several pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and distributors for the alleged deceptive marketing and distribution of highly addictive prescription opioids.

前海军预备役军人,在安全部队服役, 迈克尔 litigates on behalf of victims of foreign terrorism and international human rights abuses. 迈克尔, 还有莫特里·赖斯的其他律师, is pursuing a civil action against the financiers and supporters of the September 11, 2001, 恐怖袭击.

迈克尔代表人身伤害客户, including people allegedly harmed by tobacco products and thousands alleging harm by 危险医疗设备. 他在法庭上担任辩护律师 恩格尔-progeny litigation in Florida for smokers and families of deceased smokers against tobacco manufacturers. 在经阴道补片诉讼, he represented women implanted with Ethicon Gynecare Prolift transvaginal mesh devices claiming serious injuries and complications from the devices. 

迈克尔  represents institutional and individual investors in claims involving securities fraud. He played a central role on the litigation team that obtained a seven-figure arbitration award in a case involving secondary liability for an investment advisor’s conduct under the Uniform Securities Act. 迈克尔 also represents clients in complex commercial cases regarding claims of fraud, 违反合同, 扭曲的干涉, as well as representing whistleblowers in multiple cases involving the False Claims Act, 包括针对Afognak原住民公司的诉讼.指控小企业管理局违反了监管规定.

在加入五颜六色的大米之前. 迈克尔是康涅狄格州一家律师事务所的合伙人, where he litigated in both federal and state courts in commercial and construction law, 媒体与行政法, 人身伤害防卫及劳动用工事项. 他曾在B.A. and MBA candidates as an adjunct professor at Albertus Magnus College.

迈克尔曾是伦道夫·F·肯尼迪律师事务所的法律实习生. 美国的一棵树.S. District Court for the Northern District of 纽约 and as a law clerk for the Major Felony Unit of the Albany County District Attorney’s Office. 他曾担任执行编辑 纽约州律师协会政府法 & 政策杂志 资深编辑 奥尔巴尼法律评论,他在2008年发表了一篇名为《澳门皇冠现金手机入口》的文章? The Spending Clause, the Tenth Amendment, and the 教育 State’s Battle Against Unfunded Mandates.”

As of January 2023, 迈克尔 serves on the Board of Directors for the Special Olympics of 康涅狄格.



J.D., 最优等生; 奥尔巴尼法学院,2007年

B.A., 以优等成绩毕业者, 爱默生学院,2000年


  • 康涅狄格
  • 纽约


U.S. 第四巡回上诉法院

U.S. District Court for the District of 康涅狄格, Southern and Eastern Districts of 纽约






2019-2023 Lawdragon 500原告金融律师

2013–2018 Securities litigation; Business litigation; Personal injury – products: plaintiff
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