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Instagram Mental Health Lawsuit

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Multiple lawsuits have been filed against Meta, Facebook和Instagram的母公司,就Meta在制造和延续年轻人心理健康流行病方面所扮演的角色. 许多原告称,他们的孩子自杀身亡,尤其要归咎于Instagram. 如果你或你的孩子因Instagram而受到精神伤害,你可能有资格提起Instagram心理健康诉讼.

Why are people filing Instagram lawsuits?

People are filing lawsuits against Instagram and its parent company, Meta because of the platform’s alleged negative effect on mental health. 据称,有证据表明,过度使用澳门皇冠现金手机入口会增加患抑郁症的风险, anxiety, eating disorders and suicidal ideation. 

For example, a lawsuit has been filed in California by a young woman who attempted suicide three times as a child. According to the plaintiff, 她从12岁开始使用Instagram,很快就开始每天花很多时间在这个澳门皇冠现金手机入口网站上. 她声称对Instagram的沉迷导致她患上了饮食失调症, depression, and make multiple attempts to end her life.

42位州检察长起诉Meta,称其在澳门现金赌钱手机入口危机中所扮演的角色. 其中33个州在加州北部地区对梅塔提起了联邦诉讼, while nine additional attorneys general filed in their own states. 该州总检察长声称,Instagram误导了公众对其危险的认识,并故意引导用户强迫性地使用该平台.

Harms alleged in Instagram mental health lawsuits

据称,各种症状和状况都与使用Instagram有关, particularly in young users. 在针对Meta的心理健康诉讼中,其中许多被引用,包括:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Insomnia
  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal ideation and attempts

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rates of hopelessness, anxiety, 在过去的10年里,青少年饮食失调和自杀企图稳步增加.

Who is eligible to file an Instagram lawsuit?

经历过心理健康危机的年轻人的父母可能有资格对Instagram提起诉讼. 未成年时因使用Instagram而对心理健康产生负面影响的成年人也有资格起诉Instagram.

澳门皇冠现金手机入口的律师可以帮你确定你是否有资格对Instagram提起诉讼. They can also help with gathering relevant information, 了解州法律和诉讼时效法规,并为你提出索赔. Our lawyers offer support throughout the entire legal process.

Contact an Instagram mental health attorney

如果您或您的孩子因使用Instagram等澳门皇冠现金手机入口平台而遭受负面心理健康影响,您可能有资格提出索赔. 今天就联系莫特利·赖斯,了解有关澳门皇冠现金手机入口诉讼的更多信息.

Contact a lawyer today.

How does Instagram appear to harm mental health?

Research has found 澳门皇冠现金手机入口和网络活动对大脑的影响与赌博或滥用药物等成瘾行为一样. Use can trigger the brain’s reward system by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to enjoyment and pleasure.

当一个人依赖澳门皇冠现金手机入口获得外部认可和社会参与时,他们的幸福可能会受到损害. For instance, 如果你发布的照片没有得到那么多的“赞”或评论,会让你感到失望或自卑. 年轻人也很容易把自己和别人比较. Even when what they are being shown in their feed is edited, filtered, or carefully curated, 这可能会导致年轻人——尤其是年轻女性——的身体形象问题.

“FOMO,” or “fear of missing out,” can also contribute to feelings of loneliness, disappointment, anxiety and depression. Seeing other people’s posts about fun events, 担心错过一条信息或评论或感觉被排斥会导致更大的压力, procrastination, and depressive symptoms.

Signs of Instagram mental health effects

你可能会注意到自己或孩子使用Instagram对心理健康产生负面影响的迹象. Some of these signs may include:

  • Feeling anxious about not having access to Instagram
  • Documenting everything with photos
  • Constantly comparing to others
  • Feeling envy or jealousy because of other social media posts
  • Experiencing FOMO more often
  • Hiding Instagram use or the amount of time spent on the app
  • Having increased stress, loneliness, isolation or anxiety
  • Suffering in other aspects of life, like schoolwork
  • 以冒险或不合常理的方式创造内容或获得“赞”

In need of help? 

If you or a loved one show signs of being suicidal, call the United States National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. 这个免费、保密的电话将为您接通一位训练有素的工作人员. You can also visit their website:

如果你或你所爱的人正在经历饮食失调的症状, you can contact the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA). The toll-free number is 1-800-931-2237, and the website is

Frequently asked questions about Instagram mental health lawsuits

Is there a lawsuit against Instagram?

33个州已经向联邦法院起诉Meta及其Instagram部门. These states, which include California and New York, 声称马克·扎克伯格的公司未能警告公众澳门皇冠现金手机入口的成瘾性,并诱使年轻用户更频繁地使用其平台. 这起诉讼是针对Snapchat等澳门皇冠现金手机入口平台的其他法律诉讼, TikTok and YouTube, which face similar allegations.
个人仍在就该平台对自己或亲人造成的伤害提起新的诉讼. 莫特利·赖斯(Motley Rice)已经就澳门皇冠现金手机入口的危害为个人提起了多起诉讼,并作为联合首席律师,在加州领导了针对Meta和其他澳门皇冠现金手机入口平台的联邦多地区诉讼.

Can you sue Instagram for mental health?

If you or your child attempted or died by suicide, was treated for self-harm, 或者被医疗保健专业人员诊断出患有饮食失调症,你认为澳门皇冠现金手机入口加剧了这种情况, 你可能有权就使用Instagram引起的心理健康问题对Instagram提起诉讼. To explore your legal options, 与Motley Rice律师事务所的律师交谈,他们有处理针对大公司的复杂案件的经验. 

Our experience helping families and children

几十年来,Motley Rice的律师一直致力于为受到有毒和危险接触影响的儿童和家庭寻求正义, including to social media. 如果你需要帮助就Instagram对心理健康的影响提起诉讼,澳门皇冠现金手机入口的律师事务所可以提供帮助.