
儿童期性虐待 & 攻击律师



没有人能改变已经发生的事情, by having the extraordinary courage it takes to come forward about sexual abuse and assault that happened to you as a child, 你可以掌控自己的未来, 寻求让做错事的人承担责任, 并帮助防止捕食者在未来伤害其他动物.



纽约 延长截止日期 根据该州的《澳门皇冠现金手机入口》提起民事性虐待索赔,截止日期为8月11日. 2021年,由于COVID-19.

该法案于2019年8月颁布, 纽约儿童受害者法案 开了一年, one-time-only limited “lookback window” in which victims of abuse may file civil claims against their alleged abusers and institutions that enabled them, 不管虐待发生在多久以前. 申请索赔的一年窗口期原定于8月5日结束. 13, 2020, but has been extended to account for delays and difficulties filing amid the ongoing pandemic. 阅读更多.

当报告这些行为时, 无论是为了你自己,还是为了报告你对性虐待的了解, 向莫特利·赖斯报告的性侵犯和性侵犯都是保密的. 幸存者可以选择是否秘密地寻求正义, 或者分享他们的故事——这个选择完全是你的决定. 五颜六色的大米 律师 can help ensure confidentiality when navigating the civil justice system.

By coming forward, you have the power to hold accountable the people who have taken advantage of you.


We know and understand that sexual abuse is a sensitive issue and coming forward is difficult in many ways. 记住,如果你选择和澳门皇冠现金手机入口的律师谈话, 澳门皇冠现金手机入口会尽一切力量保护你的身份. 如果你有问题或想讨论一个潜在的案例,你可以 填妥此表格 或者拨打1.800.768.4026.


这可能需要很多年, 如果不是几十年的话, for people who were abused as children to process what was done to them and understand that there are actions they can take within the justice system. Several states have taken action to accommodate this reality and are encouraging victims to come forward through new laws that expand the time in which survivors may file civil cases against their abusers and the abuser’s enablers.

States that have already passed “window” laws or otherwise extended the time within which a victim can file include:

  • 亚利桑那州
  • 加州
  • 哥伦比亚特区
  • 蒙大拿
  • 新泽西
  • 纽约
  • 北卡罗莱纳

Groups and institutions that have been investigated for alleged sex abuse include:

  • 《大哥哥大姐姐
  • 美国童子军(BSA)
  • 男孩女孩俱乐部
  • 兄弟会(包括共济会和主业工会)
  • 市立学区
  • 私立学校
  • 宗教团体和特定教派
  • 体育运动组
  • 夏令营


The Boy Scouts of America filed Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in February 2020 amid thousands of lawsuits that allege cover-up of sexual abuse by scout leaders. We are pursuing and investigating nationwide bankruptcy claims against the Boy Scouts of America from survivors of alleged sexual abuse. 阅读更多.


毫无疑问,性侵犯者应为他们可怕的行为负责. 但在某些情况下, 强制性的记者 and other people affiliated with a group or organization may also have responsibility if they chose to ignore their duty and remain silent or took no action to report child sexual abuse. 取决于你所在的州, 学校, 教堂, 体育俱乐部, summer camps and other organizations and individuals who are trusted with the care of children may be required by law to report suspected abuse to their state’s children’s services agency or law enforcement. The consequences of someone keeping quiet when they are obligated to report can be severe, 并且可能包括民事责任, 刑事罚款,甚至监禁. Civil litigation is a potential means of recourse for victims who seek to hold organizations accountable for neglecting their duty to protect vulnerable children.



We currently represent several victims in litigation filed under 纽约儿童受害者法案 that allege sexual abuse by clergy members that was suppressed by the Catholic Church.

五颜六色的大米 律师 have recently also represented two other Jane Does in sexual assault cases that resolved through confidential settlements. 其中一起案件涉及乔特罗斯玛丽大厅的虐待指控.

Our attorneys represented two John Does who were abused as children by former Charleston, S.C.斯基普·雷维尔老师.

In addition to being a teacher, ReVille was a foster parent, coach and 教堂 youth group leader. 2012年6月,雷维尔承认性侵23名男孩, 尽管这个数字被认为要高得多.

We believe the reckless oversight and irresponsible silence in failing to report sexual abuse is one of the worst forms of gross negligence. 通过不报告ReVille的行为, certain organizations allowed this man to continue abusing children for nearly a decade.

As part of our efforts to help our clients find justice through civil litigation, 五颜六色的大米的律师们承诺要找出是否有学校, 教堂, summer camp or other facility that employed ReVille knew about his actions and failed to notify law enforcement.

通过这些努力,澳门皇冠现金手机入口达成了协议 保密和解协议 雷维尔的两名受害者和他们的学校松林预备学校之间, ReVille在那里工作了几年. 作为和解的一部分, the school adopted a new Child Protection Policy that implements and enforces stricter procedures to protect students and make its employees and volunteers aware of the threats abuse poses to children.


怀着帮助受虐儿童的热情,澳门皇冠现金手机入口的工作并不局限于法庭. Our attorneys have a long history of working with organizations dedicated to serving abused children. 许多五颜六色的大米律师都曾在the 迪·诺顿儿童权益中心 和/或帮助筹集 数百万美元 帮助该组织在低地地区扩大其影响力,包括 撒母耳Cothran, 劳拉·贝, 兰斯奥利弗, 安E. 大米欧文 公司的联合创始人 乔米. The Dee Norton Advocacy Center is the Charleston-area’s leading resource to prevent abuse, protect children and heal families and ensures that local children and families have a safe place to turn when children are threatened with abuse.

In 2017, 五颜六色的大米联合创始人乔米和他的家人, 包括女儿和五颜六色的大米律师安E. 大米欧文 donated significant funds to the new MUSC Children’s Hospital which created a space specifically for treatment of abused children, providing privacy and the special care needed to treat these most helpless victims.

赖斯一家也为他们提供了支持 南卡罗来纳大学法学院儿童法律中心. 该中心每年为超过12人提供培训,000名社会工作者, 律师, 法官, 在第一时间作出回应, 学校护士, 还有其他从事儿童工作的人.


美国全国广播公司 (10月. 4, 2019): 近1700名被控性侵的牧师和神职人员无人监管

TIME (2019年6月1日): 这些人说,童子军的性虐待问题比任何人知道的都要严重

大西洋 (2019年5月12日): 教皇方济各不再逃避教会的性侵流行

Vox (2018年5月16日): The sex abuse scandal surrounding USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar, explained

美国国家公共电台 (2012年6月21日): 宾夕法尼亚州立大学性侵丑闻:指南和时间表

美国国家公共电台 (11月. 15, 2011): 城堡性侵指控者称还有更多受害者

美国国家公共电台 (11月. 15, 2011): 城堡大学面临与宾夕法尼亚州立大学类似的性侵丑闻





五颜六色的大米有限公司, 南卡罗来纳州有限责任公司, is engaged in the 新泽西 practice of law through 五颜六色的大米 新泽西 LLC. 埃丝特·别列佐夫斯基负责新泽西业务的律师.


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