
罗杰·米. 小汉克·杨.


Hank Young litigates complex civil matters including representing victims of defective medical drugs and devices as well as those harmed by toxic environmental contamination.

Hank works on Camp Lejeune toxic water contamination cases, in which he represents servicemembers and their families suing the federal government over serious injuries caused by exposure to contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune between August 1, 1953, 及十二月三十一日, 1987.  Hank also represents patients implanted with allegedly defective hernia mesh products manufactured by Covidien.

Hank frequently speaks at legal seminars on the topic of complex civil litigation. He pulls from his experience litigating complex issues of procedural law, 实体法, 和科学. 他参与了诉讼的每一个阶段, from investigating new potential matters to drafting appeals of novel issues. He has also written and argued dispositive motions, 接受和辩护证词, and conducted large-scale discovery in multidistrict and consolidated litigations.

查尔斯顿人, Hank served as Editor-in-Chief of the Charleston Law Review while in law school and competed in numerous moot court competitions, including the 2015 National Tax Moot Court Competition, in which he was awarded Best Individual Advocate. He also was recognized with the CALI Award as the highest scoring student in Legal Writing I & II, Products Liability, Constitutional Law, Constitutional History, and Professional Responsibility. 

A 五颜六色的大米 law clerk for two summers before joining the firm, Hank clerked at both corporate defense and plaintiffs’ firms. 另外, Hank volunteered at the Veteran’s Legal Clinic in Charleston during law school, providing low-income veterans with basic legal services, 包括找房子, 起草遗嘱, 解决家庭法律问题. 


J.D. 优等生查尔斯顿法学院,2016年

B.A., 优等生, University of 南卡罗来纳 Honors College, 2011


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