
Josh Littlejohn


在复杂诉讼(包括证券欺诈)方面有广泛的经验, corporate governance, 多德-弗兰克法案和虚假申报法下的举报人案件, 以及灾难性伤害和死亡案件——乔希·利特尔约翰是莫特利·赖斯证券诉讼团队的几位律师之一, 特别是在涉及医疗保健和电子商务的案件中.

Josh represents public pension funds, 联邦和州法院的工会和其他机构投资者. 他还代理遭受重大人身伤害的人和公司举报人. Josh直接与客户合作,并参与了诉讼过程的各个方面, including case evaluation, fact and expert discovery, resolution and trial.

Throughout his career Josh has been involved in numerous complex securities matters including serving as lead or co-lead counsel against Alexion Pharmaceuticals; Amazon; Intel Corporation; Riot Blockchain; Wells Fargo & Company; 3D Systems Corporation; St. Jude Medical, Inc.; Omnicare; and numerous others. Along with other Motley Rice lawyers, Josh是南卡罗来纳州证券欺诈集体诉讼的联络律师,该诉讼于2020年由投资者针对SCANA公司失败的核反应堆项目提起和解. 乔希定期审查和分析新的证券欺诈行为, shareholder derivative, 以及代表澳门皇冠现金手机入口的客户和公司的SEC举报人事宜. 他目前是莫特利赖斯小组的一员,负责评估与勒琼营地受污染地下水接触有关的病例, North Carolina.

除证券及人身伤害事项外, 乔希是莫特利·赖斯团队的成员,该团队代表公司举报人对违反联邦《澳门现金赌钱手机入口》和《澳门皇冠现金手机入口》的行为进行评估和诉讼.

除了各种证券和举报人事项, 乔希是莫特利·赖斯谈判小组的一员,该小组帮助确保了与美国主要武装力量达成的解决方案.S. 汽车制造商代表高田安全气囊受害者. Early in his career, 乔什在针对大型制药商的大规模侵权诉讼中负责取证.


J.D., Charleston School of Law, 2007


Licensed In

  • South Carolina

Admitted to Practice Before

U.S. 第三和第四巡回上诉法院

U.S. 科罗拉多州地区法院和南卡罗来纳州地区法院


American Bar Association

South Carolina Association for Justice

Awards and Accolades

2013–2017 South Carolina Super Lawyers Rising Stars list
Securities litigation; Class action/mass torts; General litigation

2019 Lawdragon 500 Plaintiff Financial Lawyers